The DDC is required to create a 5-Year State Plan to address the needs of people with developmental disabilities and their families. Our State Plan helps guide our daily work, ensure we are addressing the most important priorities of the developmental disabilities community, and hold ourselves accountable to specific goals and objectives.
Each year we evaluate how much progress we have made and can make changes, if needed. People across the state play a very important role in the creation and implementation of our State Plan. We use your input to create the State Plan, and we need your constant feedback to make sure we stay on track.
Below, you'll find resources related to the State Plan. These resources are designed to provide transparency, highlight progress, and support collaboration with our partners and the broader IDD community.
Learn how we are building our next 5-Year State PlanThe State Plan in an easy to navigate PowerPoint that provides an overview of the Council's goals, objectives, and activities.
State plan updated on 6/26/2024 and is currently in review by the Administration on Community Living (ACL). Originally approved by the Developmental Disabilities Council on 7/15/2021.
The DDC will work with public and private organizations to strengthen cross-agency communication and improve outcomes for all people with developmental disabilities and their families, in all communities and diverse populations, across the state.
The DDC will develop and support leaders to strengthen their voices and effectively advocate for issues that are important to them, their families, and their communities.
The DDC will advocate for equitable policies, programs, and practices that benefit all people with developmental disabilities and their families.
There are many ways to become involved with our work, from joining council, attending a meeting, or becoming involved in advocacy.